I would like to express my sincere thanks to my supervisor Gülay Ba¸sarır who
encouraged me to study this subject and helped me improve during this process with
her support, to my co-supervisor and mastermind of this work Pedro Delicado who not
only has answered my endless questions patiently so that I have learned a lot from him
but also supported me and helped me meet new people who also study on this area,
to Isabel Caballero who gently shared her data and knowledge with me and turned a
collaboration into a friendship.
I appreciate my dear professors Aydın Erar and Mujgan Tez who helped me form this
study with their precious comments, Gülay Ilona Telsiz Kayaoglu who has offered ˘
me references for the theoretical background of the study and helped me organize
appendices, my dearest friend Elif Ertürk and Ebru Payaslıoglu Kılıç who helped me ˘
with English translations for their contributions.
I would like to express my gratitude to my dear professor Nalan Cinemre for her trust,
support and understanding during my journey, to all the professors, PhD students and
members of UPC who support me during my stay in Barcelona, to my friends from
Argentina, Mexico, Spain and other countries who cheered me up and helped me a lot
during this process, to Lilliana Tolomei and Daris Fernandez who are in particular just
a phone away from me, to Manuel Ramos-Casals and Antoni Sisó-Almirall for their
moral support, to my professors and friends in my department for their understanding
and to all friends for being there with me in tough times.
I also would like to thank my mother who could bear not seeing me for a long time and
is looking forward to the end of this process, my father who encouraged me for my
academic career and now watching me smiling from somewhere up above, my lovely
niece Ela who awaits for me to play with her, my brother who has always been my
side, my little nephew and all my family for their trust, moral support and belief in me.
And lastly I would like to thank my pillar of strength, my fellow traveller, my husband
Belchin Kostov (Belçin Denizli) with whom I met by means of this project and who
did his best to help me and be there for me during this process.