The aim of this study is to explain how abductive thinking in the process of skill development helps the higher order thinking process and contributes to making learning experiences more efficient, effective, and permanent. In this context, the K12 Skills Framework: Turkey Holistic Model, a skills development process was designed focusing on the trends identified based on the K12 Skills Framework Instructional Design Model and skills summarized in four main categories. The specific area selected for skill development is “Calculating the Approximate Square Root of Irrational Numbers/Non-Square Numbers” in the 8th grade mathematics sub-learning area. By creating a sample lesson plan for the development of these skills, it is aimed to provide guidance on how students can develop these skills. In addition, the use and development of abductive thinking, which is defined as an intermediate thinking skill that includes several integrated skills, will contribute to the process of understanding and comprehension at the point of developing these tendencies and skills. © (2024), (T.C. Milli Egitim Bakanligi). All Rights Reserved.