Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University Institutional Repository
DSpace@MSGSÜ digitally stores academic resources such as books, articles, dissertations, bulletins, reports, research data published directly or indirectly by Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University in international standarts, helps track the academic performance of the university, provides long term preservation for resources and makes publications available to Open Access in accordance with their copyright to increase the effect of publications.Search MSGSÜ
Now showing items 1-4 of 4
A virtual building center model to support procurement of building materials and services in Turkish construction industry
([y.y.], 1998)
[Abstract Not Available]
Implementation of earned value concept in Turkish construction industry
([y.y.], 1998)
[Abstract Not Available]
A Comparative investigation on the applications on prestressed concrete bridge design in Western Europe and Turkey: outlook and suggestions
([y.y.], 1997)
[Abstract Not Available]
Modelling a management information system for a construction company based on the official accounting system = Bir inşaat şirketi için yasal muhasebeye dayalı bir yöntem bilgi sistemi modeli
(Mimar Sinan Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 1995)
The idea of this study is using the legal accounting records for management. A
model has been developed for the accounting system that enables the performance
measurement of all activities in a construction company. The ...