Mimar Sinan Güzel Sanatlar Üniversitesi Açık Bilim, Sanat Arşivi

Açık Bilim, Sanat Arşivi, Mimar Sinan Güzel Sanatlar Üniversitesi tarafından doğrudan ve dolaylı olarak yayınlanan; kitap, makale, tez, bildiri, rapor gibi tüm akademik kaynakları uluslararası standartlarda dijital ortamda depolar, Üniversitenin akademik performansını izlemeye aracılık eder, kaynakları uzun süreli saklar ve yayınların etkisini artırmak için telif haklarına uygun olarak Açık Erişime sunar.

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dc.contributor.editorEdited by Ozan Kocadagli, Ali Erkoç, Bilge Baser, Nihan Acar Denizli, Tahir Ekin
dc.contributor.otherWeb design by Ali Zafer Dalar ; Cover photo by Aylin Yaman Kocadagli ; Cover design by Ali Mertcan Kose, Damla Ilter
dc.description.abstractthe behalf of the Local Organizing Committee we are pleased to welcome you to y-BIS 2019 Conference: ISBIS Young Business and Industrial Statisticians Workshop on Recent Advances in Data Science and Business Analytics, sponsored by ISBIS (International Society for Business and Industrial Statistics) and Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University. This is the fourth conference arranged by ISBIS/y- BIS where the second one was organized in Istanbul before, 2013 Joint Meeting of Young Business and Industrial Statisticians Meeting. The purpose of y-BIS 2019 is to bring together young statisticians and professionals working in Academia and in Industry. The conference will offer opportunities to meet each other, to share scientific and professional experiences, and to promote new collaborations and international cooperation. This conference will cover many researches in the academia and business world such as finance, medicine, insurance, energy, etc. The program covers 10 Keynote Speakers, 8 workshops with 11 speakers, 3 invited and 16 contributed parallel sessions with 70 speakers and one poster session. We would like to thank all the speakers and, in particular the Keynote Speakers, Workshop and Invited Paper Session organizers who helped greatly to improve the scientific program of the conference. The end of y-BIS 2019, all the presented studies have been published as a full-paper or abstract in the conference book with ISBN under the refereeing procedure and editorial policy of the conference. In addition, it is expected that, after refereeing process the selected papers will be directed to the five special issues of the journals: Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry, Istanbul Business Research Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics and Turkish Journal of Forecasting. The program also includes social events which will allow nearly 200 participants to know each other and to get experience of Turkish culture and history in addition to the taste of the Turkish cuisine and hospitality. The organizers would like to thank to all the institutions that have provided financial support to make this organization possible. Many thanks to Faculty of Sciences and Letters of Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, ISBIS-International Society for Business and Industrial Statistics, The Central Bank of Turkey and Tam Faktoring. Lastly, I really appreciate Local Organizing and Scientific Program Committees for their efforts performing on y-BIS 2019. I am looking forward to seeing you in the next scientific events of ISI/ISBIS. On the behalf of the Local Organizing Committee, Ozan Kocadagli (General Chair of y-BIS 2019)en_US
dc.description.tableofcontentsContents Part I. Introduction Welcome to the y-BIS 2019 in Istanbul, Turkey…………………………………....11 Committees………………………………………………………………………………..13 Part II. Scientific Program Scientific Program………………………………………………………………………..17 Part III. Keynote Lectures Robust Bayesian Relevance Vector Machines in Regression and Supervised Classification Using Information Complexity and the Genetic Algorithm……………………………………………..22 Hamparsum Bozdogan Multi-objective Sparse Regression Models for short- and long-term Natural Gas Demand Prediction…………………………………………………………………………………………….23 Ayse Ozmen RMARS under Cross-Polytope Uncertainty –Prediction of Natural Gas Consumption……….24 Gerhard-Wilhelm Weber1, Ayşe Özmen and Yuriy Zinchenko Data Analytics and Machine Learning: Real Life Applications in Various Fields……………...25 Baris Surucu The Imperable Rise of Artificial Intelligence and How it Effects our Lives…………………….26 Aytul Ercil Fundamental Skills for Data Science & Business Analytics……………………………………...27 Selim Deliloglu Financial Risk and Data ……………………………………………………………………………28 Erkal Biyiklioglu Preparing to Exist in The Age of Artifical Intelligence…………………………………………..29 Umut Satir Gurbuz Big Data and IoE ……………………………………………………………………………….…..30 Bahar Kinay Erguney Part IV. Short Courses Visualization with QlikView (how to make dashboard)……………………………………...…...32 Rahim Mahmoudvand Fraud Analytics…………………………………………………………………………………………..33 Tahir Ekin Dynamic Linear Models (DLM) using R…………………………………………………………..34 Balaji Raman Real World Applications/Cases of Transportation Analytics-Optimization……………………35 Tuba Yilmaz Gözbasi, Ozan Gözbasi Introduction to Apache Spark, Data Analysis and Machine Learning with Apache Spark……36 Erkan Sirin Big Data: Introduction to Hadoop Big Data Ecosystem………………………………………….37 Erkan Sirin Innovation in Germany Industry 4.0 Case Examples…………………………………………….38 Aytac Atac Medical Analytics/Bioinformatics (Clinical Research Statistics, Medical Informatics, Validation Studies with potential discussion of cancer molecular)…………………………………………..39 Arzu Baygul, Cagdas Aktan, Neslihan Gokmen Hands-on Introduction Course in R……………………………………………………………….40 Fulya Gökalp Yavuz Part V. Invited Sessions Classification-based Approach for Validating Image Segmentation Algorithms........................42 Luca Frigau, Francesco Mola, Giulia CONTU Portfolio Composition Strategy through a P-Spline Based Clustering Approach……………...43 Carmela Iorio, Giuseppe Pandolf Network-based Semisupervised Clustering………………………………………………………………44 Giulia Contu , Luca Frigau, Claudio Conversano From Multivariate to Functional Classification…………………………………………………..45 José Luis Torrecilla Functional Linear Model for Monitoring and Prediction of Profiles……………………………46 Alessia Pini Depth-based Functional Time Series Forecasting……………………………………….47 Antonio Elías, Raúl Jiménez Fault Detection and Diagnosis Methodology in Refineries: A Data-Driven Approach………..48 Cagla Odabasi, Ocan Sahin Big Data Solutions in Refineries with Heat Exchangers…………………………………………49 Ocan Sahin, Çağla Odabasi Part VI. Contributed Papers (Abstract) Identification of Vehicle Warranty Data and Anomaly Detection by Means of Machine Learning Methods……………………………………………………………………………………………..…51 Halil İbrahim Celenli, Esin Ozkan Predicting Business Survival from their Websites…………………………………………………52 Desamparados Blazquez, Lisa Crosato, Josep Domenech1, CaterinaLiberati Methods for Optimum Establishment of Government - imposed Global Budget Caps…………53 Nika E., Dr. Psarakis S. and Dr. Papadaki A. Detection and Handling Outliers in Longitudinal Data: Can Wavelet Decomposition Be a Solution?................................................................................................................................................54 Marwa BenGhoul, Berna Yazıcı, Ahmet Sezer Serial Mediation Model of Leader Member Interaction in Work Values and Job Satisfaction...55 Meral Yay, Mine Afacan Findikli, Ali Mertcan Kose Outlier Detection on Big Outlier Data………………………………………………………………56 Erkan Sirin, Hacer Karacan Joint Modeling the Frequency and Duration of Physical Activity from a Lifestyle Intervention Trial…………………………………………………………………………………………………...57 Gul Inan, Juned Siddique On Function-On-Function Regression: Partial Least Square Approach………………………...58 Ufuk Beyaztas,Han Lin Shang A Robust Method for Estimation of Models with Random Eff ects……………………………….59 Beste Hamiye Beyaztas Conditional Autoregressive Model Approach to Generalized Linear Spatial Models by CARBayes….60 Leyla Bakacak Karabenli, Serpil Aktaş Altunay Hierarchically Built Trees with Probability of Placing Clusters………………………………….61 Nebahat Bozkus, Stuart Barber Nonlinear Neural Network for Cardinality Constraint Portfolio Optimization Problem: Sector-wise Analysis of ISE-all Shares……………………………………………………………………………..62 Ilgim Yaman, Turkan Erbay Dalkilic Gamma and Inverse Gaussian Distributions in Fitting Parametric Shared Frailty Models with Missing Data………………………………………………………………………………………………………….63 Nursel Koyuncu, Marthin Pius, Nihal Ata Tutkun A Functional Data Framework to Analyse the Effect of Quinoa Consumption on Blood Glucose Levels………………………………………………………………………………………………………...64 Nihan Acar-Denizli, Pedro Delicado, Belchin Kostov, Diana A.Díaz-Rizzolo, Antoni Sisó and Ramon Gomis Statistical Inference of Consecutive k-out-of-n System in Stress-Strength Setup Based on Two Parameter Proportional Hazard Rate Family …………………………………………………………...65 Duygu Demiray, Fatih Kizilaslan Use of Relative Entropy in Contingency Tables……………………………………………………66 A. Evren, B. Sahin Granger-Causality- Based Portfolio Selection in The Moroccan Stock Market……………………….67 Abdelhamid Hamidi Alaoui A Percentile Bootstrap Based Method on Dependent Data: Harrell Davis Quantile Estimator vs NO Quantile Estimator………………………………………………………………………………68 Gözde Navruz, A. Fırat Özdemir Fitting Lognormal Distribution to Actuarial Data………………………………………………...69 M. Mahdizadeh1, Ehsan Zamanzade Investigation of the Electricity Consumption of Provinces of Turkey using Functional Principal Components Analysis………………………………………………………………………………..70 Sumeyye Inal, Gulhayat Golbasi Simsek Risk-based Fraud Analysis for Bank Loans with Autonomous Machine Learning…………….71 Yunus Emre Gundogmus, Mert Nuhuz and Mujgan Tez Multivariate Skew Laplace Normal Distribution: Properties and Applications………………..72 Fatma Zehra Dogru, Olcay Arslan Do Confidence Indicators Have Impact on Macro-financial Indicators? Analysis on the Financial Services and Real Sector Confidence Indexes: Evidence from Turkey………………73 Esra N. Kilci Opportunities in Location Based Customer Analytics……………………………………………74 Murat Ozturkmen The Eff ect of Weights on Multi-rater Weighted Kappa Coefficients…………………………….75 Ayfer Ezgi Yilmaz Evaluating New Optimization Methods for Two Parameter Ridge Estimator via Genetic Algorithm……………………………………………………………………………………………76 Erkut Tekeli, Selahattin Kaciranlar, Nimet Ozbay Probabilistic Structural Equation Modeling Approach to Investigate the Relationships between Passenger Perceived Value, Image, Trust, Satisfaction and Loyalty……………………………77 Tugay Karadag, Gulhayat Golbasi Simsek Comparison of Internal Validity Indices According to Distance Measurements in Clustering Analysis……………………………………………………………………………………………..78 Aydin Karakoca, İbrahim Demir and Derya Alkin Prediction of Claim Probability in the Presence of Excess Zeros ………………………………79 Aslihan Senturk Acar Stochastic Linear Restrictions in Generalized Linear Models…………………………………..80 M. Revan Ozkale The GO estimator: A New Generalization of Lasso……………………………………………...81 Murat Genc, M. Revan Ozkale Bivariate Credibility Premiums Distinguishing Between Two Claims Types in Third Party Liability Insurance…………………………………………………………………………………82 Pervin Baylan, Serdar Kurt, Neslihan Demirel and Jeff rey S. Pai Churn Analysis for Factoring: An Application in Turkish Factoring Sector………………….83 Enis Gumustas, Huseyin Budak Two Structural Equation Modelling Approaches for Cloud Use in Software Development….84 Erhan Pisirir, Oumout Chouseinoglou, Cuneyt Sevgi and Erkan Ucar A New Approach to Econometric Modelling of Monthly Total Air Passengers: A Case Study for Atatürk Airport…………………………………………………………………………………….85 Reşit Celik, Hasan Aykut Karaboga, İbrahim Demir Analyzing the Competition of HIV-1 Phenotypes with a Quantum Computation Perspective..86 Bilge Baser Analysis of Data Comparing the Use of Different Social Media for Scientific Research across Different Countries of the World………………………………………………………………….87 Fatima R. Haris Finding the Determinants of National Problem Perceptions of Turkish Citizens……………..88 Ozlem Kiren Gurler, Ipek Deveci Kocakoc Approximation of Continuous Random Variables for The Evaluation of the Reliability Parameter of Complex Stress-strength Models………………………………………………….89 Alessandro Barbiero A Customer Segmentation Model Proposal for Hospitals: LRFM-V…………………………..90 Ipek Deveci Kocakoc, Pınar Ozkan The Effect of WoE Transformation on Credit Scoring by using Logistic Regression………...91 Zeynep Bal, M. Aydin Erar Highlighting a Mathematical Property of Sample ACF for Time Series Analysis…………….92 Rahim Mahmoudvand. An Approach for Considering Claim Amount and Varying Deductibles in Designing BonusMalus Systems……………………………………………………………………………………..93 Atefeh Moradi , Maryam Sharafi, Rahim Mahmoudvand Hiv-1 Protease Cleavage Site Prediction with Generating Dataset Using a New Encoding Scheme Based on Physicochemical Properties…………………………………………………………....94 Metin Yangin, Ayça Cakmak Pehlivanli, Bilge Baser Wavelet Regression for Noisy Data………………………………………………………….…...95 Gokce Nur Tasagil and Eylem Deniz An Application of XGBoost on Diabetes Data……………………………………………….….96 Yangin, Gulcin , Ozdamar, E. Ozge Analysis of the Science Scores of Turkish Students in PISA 2015 via Multilevel Models……97 Gul Timocin, Elif Unal Coker Part VII. Contributed Papers (Full) Chaos Control in Chaotic Dynamical Systems Via Auto-tuning Hamilton Energy Feedback..99 Atike Reza Ahrabi, Hamid Reza Kobravi Bivariate Intuitionistic Fuzzy Time Series Prediction Model…………………………………..103 Ozge Cagcag Yolcu, Erol Egrioglu, Eren Bas, Ufuk Yolcu Stress-Strength Reliability Estimation of Series System with Cold Standby Redundancy at System and Component Levels…………………………………………………………………...110 Gulce Curan, Fatih Kizilaslan A StarCraft 2 Player Skill Modeling……………………………………………………………..121 Zoran Ćirović, Nataša Ćirović A Seemingly Unrelated Regression Modeling for Extraction Process in Green Chemistry….129 Ozlem Turksen, Serhan Tuncel, Nilufer Vural Statistical and Fuzzy Modeling of Extraction Process in Green Chemistry…………………..134 Nilufer Vural, Ozlem Turksen Risk-based Fraud Analysis for Bank Loans with Autonomous Machine Learning…………..143 Yunus Emre Gundogmus, Mert Nuhuz, Mujgan Tez How Does Resampling Affect the Classification Performance of Support Vector Machines on Imbalanced Churn Data?.................................................................................................................148 Serra Çelik, Seda Tolun Tayalı Do Confidence Indicators Have Impact on Macro-financial Indicators? Analysis on the Financial Services and Real Sector Confidence Indexes: Evidence from Turkey……………...156 Esra N. Kilci Comparison of Multi-class Classification Algorithms on Early Diagnosis of Heart Diseases…162 Nurdan Colakoglu, Berke Akkaya Recycle Project with RFM Analysis……………………………………………………………….172 Semra Erpolat Tasabat, Esra Akca Inferences About Development Levels of Countries with Data Envelopment Analysis ………178 Semra Erpolat Tasabat Alternative Subway Project Selection with TOPSIS Method Using Different Weighting Techniques………………………………………………………………………………………….184 Nihan Yucel, Semra Erpolat Tasabat Fast Fault Solving Methods in Smart Manufacturing Lines with Augmented Reality Applications…………………………………………………………………………………..…….189 Adem Kayar, Fatih Ozturk, Ozkan Kayacan Time-Frequency Analysis of the EEG Signals: Visual Identification of Epileptic Patterns……………………………………………………………………………………………..195 Ezgi Ozer, Ozan Kocadagli, Arnaldo Batista Feature Selection Approaches for Machine Learning Classifiers on Yearly Credit Scoring Data………………………………………………………………………………………………....200 Damla Ilter, Ozan Kocadagli, Nalini Ravishanker Part VIII. Poster (Abstract) Statistical Properties and Modeling of Stable-like Word Count Time Series in Nation-wide LanguageData………………………………………………………………………………………206 Hayafumi Watanabe Part IX. Poster (Full) The Examination of Real Estate Prices in Istanbul by Using Hybrid Hierarchical K-Means Clustering…………………………………………………………………………………………....208 Betul Kan-Kilinc, Ilkay Tug Part X. List of Participants List of Participants........................................................................................................... 214 Part XI. Sponsors and Supporting Institutions List of Sponsors and Supporting Institutions……………………………………………………..……220en_US
dc.publisherMimar Sinan Fine Arts Universityen_US
dc.subjectProje yönetimi--Veri işleme--Kongreleren_US
dc.subjectProje yönetimi--İstatistiksel yöntemler--Kongreleren_US
dc.subjectİş ve Ekonomi--Proje yönetimien_US
dc.subjectVeri madenciliğien_US
dc.titleProceeding Book of the y-BIS Conference 2019: recent advances in data science and business analytics: Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University Department of Statistics, Fındıklı Campus, September, 25 - 28, 2019, Istanbul, TURKEYen_US
dc.departmentMimar Sinan Güzel Sanatlar Üniversitesien_US
dc.identifier.volumeMimar Sinan Fine Arts University Publications: 884
dc.relation.publicationcategoryKonferans Öğesi - Ulusal - Kurum Öğretim Elemanıen_US

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