Although in everyday life, we are exposed to spatial impacts of globalization on many occasions, in general it is not discussed as rigorously as the economic, political and cultural effects. Economic, political and cultural dynamics of globalization are not always the only cause in most spatial formations. As global culture becomes widespread, the interest for the local cultural peculiarities increases. Through interactions with local dynamics, they can produce such new-hybrid spatialities and lives which mostly cannot be predicted. This paper aims to highlight the spatial effects of globalization on built environment in coastal settlements in the Aegean region exemplified by Cesme which is in Izmir, Turkey. The Aegean coast of Turkey is selected due to its tourist potential and position in global flows while they still maintain local traditions. The spatial characteristics of these towns have changed dramatically since 1970s because of the dramatic increase of domestic and international visitors. With the scope how some of the Aegean towns achieved keeping and emphasizing the local identity while some have already became an ordinary global town; it is aimed to discuss the spatial examples which global and local come together. The implication of such a sampling is important in order to discuss, how globalization affects the local assets and how local finds potentials in global in order to put the importance of its assets with the point of view diversity, heterogeneity as an important value.