With the advancement of technology and the widespread use of the Internet, the concept of big data, which we are often beginning to hear its name, has emerged. Big data can be briefly defined as an unstructured data stack. It aims to transform the data collected from different sources into a meaningful and processable format. One of these methods is RFM analysis. RFM analysis is an effective and practical marketing model that combines the initials of Recency Frequency and Monetary and performs behavioral customer segmentation. In this study, the importance of RFM analysis was emphasized. How to use RFM analysis in estimation models is explained in detail.The applicability of RFM analysis to the recycling project has been demonstrated. The operation of the model and the application of RFM to recycling projects are shown in the original retail data of a company operating in the metal industry. Therefore, they were encouraged to participate in recycling. According to the contribution rate of recycling, it is aimed to establish a profitable relationship between the customer and the company by applying discounts to the customers.