Istanbul, throughout its history, has accommodated many states and civilizations. Therefore, the city besides having different names, also has monuments and places of worship belonging to various cultures and faiths. Due to this characteristics of the city there are Catholic, Orthodox, Armenian and Protestant churches along with the mosques and synagogues. Although the Mongols of Genghis Khan has never ruled Istanbul, one of the churches in the city is called Church of St. Mary of the Mongols. Called Despina khatun by the Mongols, St. Mary, whose names is given to the church, is the daughter of a Byzantine emperor Michael VIII. The Byzantine emperors paid importance to establish kinship ties both with Golden Horde and Ilkhanid states. Through the princes they aimed at preserving the balance and wanted to please the khans. Pursuing this policy, Mary had married to an Ilkhanid khan, Abaqa. After his death she returned to Istanbul and devoted herself to religion. Surviving until present, the church that was built and named by herself in Istanbul attracts attention both with its story of foundation and its name.