Conservation of the industrial facilities, which reflect their period's production and construction technol-ogy, social, cultural, and economic life, is a subject of concern since 1960-70 s. In this respect, adaptive reuse is seen as one of the appropriate methods to conserve and supply their continuous use. In adaptive reuse process, there are some risks and uncertainties because of different parameters like the require-ments about conservation of the building and about the new function, time, budget, etc. It is possible to alleviate them by examining existing reused examples adapted to a similar function and reviewing possible different reuse strategies and interventions suitable for the characteristics of the building to be reused together with their outcomes. Hereof, it is aimed to develop a database to be used as a guiding tool while scrutinizing a building to be reused, a new function and interventions, and thus help minimiz-ing the possible risks and uncertainties. To provide information to this database, a systematic approach was developed to assess the relationship between new function and the interventions made for reuse. The approach and possible uses of the database in this process are explained through seven reused in-dustrial facilities in Turkey adapted from food and textile production to assembly and education facilities.(c) 2022 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.