Mimar Sinan University is named after the most famous master-builder
of the Ottoman Empire who lived in the 16th century and has built
the largest and most beautiful domes of the Turkish architecture. This
Symposium on Domes is dedicated to Mimar Sinan whose architecture
transcended his age.
The pecularity of Mimar Sinan University among other Turkish
universities ıs its being the first Turkish institution giving besides
architecture education on Western Figurative Arts as well, like painting
and sculpture. As such it constitutes a land-mark in the westernization
process of Turkey. it luckily happened that MSU became alsa the first
Turkish university that has organized a Symposium together with the
"I nternational Association for Shell and Spatial Structures", with this
most prominent society of architects and structural engineers nearly
from ali countries of the world. We are very happy about this
cooperation and I would like to express my thanks to all the members
of IASS and guests who have contributed with their papers, discussions
and participation to the success of this first comprehensive lnternational
Symposium on Domes.
1 anı especially indebted to the Members of the Organizing Committee
and Scientific Committee of the Symposium who ensured the high
scientific level of the papers presented. Last but not least my thanks
are for Professor Dr. Mungan who has been intensely engaged in the
whole planning of the Symposium, such as in the publication of the
proceedings ~ volume. As an active member of IASS and of MSU
Dr. Mungan has created a strong link between the two institutions and
1 believe that this connection will be of longevity.
With such feelings wish to ali the participants of the Symposium
a nice time in lstanbul, in this most exciting metropolis on two
continents, constituting a connecting link between Eastern and Western
cultures./ Prof. Gündüz Gökçe, architect, Rector of Mimar Sinan University