The development of the photographic process involves two important periods. One of them is the period called "daguerre' which lasted till the invertion of photography was officially made public to the whole world by the French Academy of Science in 19 August 1839; and the other is the "new period" which started with Daguerre and has continued till the present time. One point under consideration that appeared with the invention of image technology in the 19 th century, is the discussion of problems. However, photography is at the same time considered to have died out. In the present century, the belief of a new era which is known as the period of post-photography whose birth we are witnessing, has became prevalent. To ask question about the present and future means facing various possible questions. The answer to such questions may conclude that we must believe in the continuity of photography. In order to accept the demise of art in a general sense, it is necessary to accept that its apperance in art history can be determined as historical fact. All creation may die. Photography now may face "demise" related to the reason of "existence". As, with the post-modern visual culture and also digital revolution, the absoluteness of the period of chemical photography has been demolished.