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XV-XX. yüzyıllar arasında kullanılan veOrta Asya Türklük alanındaki yazı dilinin son halkasını oluşturan Doğu Türkçesi, birçok değerli şair ve edibin kaleminde çok çeşitli ve değerli eserlerde işlenmiştir. Doğu Türk yazı diliyle oluşturulmuş eserler arasında çeşitli sebepler ve ölçütlere göre derlenen mecmualar da bulunmaktadır. Manzum veya mensur ya da hem manzum hem mensur metinlerin bulunduğu mecmualar, derlendikleri konulara göre çeşitli isimler alabilmektedir. Derlenen ya da seçilen metinler toplamı olan mecmualar, oluşturulma sebepleri, çeşitlikleri ve aralarındaki nüanslara göre farklı adlarla adlandırılmaktadır. Doğu Türklük alanına kaynaklık eden önemli malzemelerden biri de çeşitli konularda ve biçimlerde düzenlenen ve derlendikleri dönemin edebî beğenisini ortaya koyan mecmualardır. Bu mecmualardan biri de Millî Kütüphane'de bulunan ve Doğu Türkçesiyle kaleme alınan manzum-mensur metinlerin bir arada olduğu 06 Mil Yz A 1692/2 numaralı yazma eserdir. Çalışmamızın konusunu, bu mecmuada yer alan ve adını yazdığı gazellerindeki mahlasından belirlediğimiz şair "Hayâî" ve şiirleri oluşturmaktadır. Çalışmamız dört ana bölümden oluşmaktadır:Birinci bölüm olan The Eastern Turkish which was used between centuries of the 1520th, and occured the last circle of language of writing in the court of Turkish of Central Asia, was worked in very different and valuable works by many poet and author. The collections that are collected according to the different reasons and criterions are among works which have wrote with language of writing of the Eastern Turkish, too. The collections occur different texts such as verse or prose or both verse and prose. They are called according to these texts. The collections that are total of texts collected or selected, are called different with names according to the reasons for the creation, variety and nuance. Collections are one of the important documents which they arrange and expose the literary liking of its period when they collect, they become spring to court of the Eastern Turkish in different subjects and forms. One of this collections is a manuscript written in Eastern Turkish and existed texts of in verse and prose, bearing the inventory nu. 06 Mil Yz A 1692/2 at the National Library in Ankara. The subject of our study is poet Hayai who has been determined by pen name of in his lyric poems located in this collection and, his poetry. Our study is four parts. In the Introduction part of the study, firstly, Hayai’s poetry was introduced to the manuscript of and, aboutpoet Hayai and his poetry was given information; also their spelling and language features was emphasized. In the Text and Modern Turkish Translation part, the Turkish text written with Arabic letters has been transcripted; poetry has been translated into Modern Turkish from Eastern Turkish; in the Index-Glossary part, the vocabulary of the work has been provided, and finally, in the Facsimile part, the facsimile of the copy of studied written work at the National Library has been provided
Turkish Studies (Elektronik)Volume
- TRDizin [756]