Background: GeoInformation, is very valuable for a range of fields ranging from location basedservices and navigation to smart cities and homes. On the other hand today many fields benefit from Internetof Things (IoT) implementations, where the machine-to-machine and machine-to-human transmission ofGeoInformation frequently occurs. This transmission usually occurs in multi-source/multi-target and multiplatform IoT environments. Problem Statement: In many cases real-time GeoInformation stays in its own islandof automation, and thus its real value cannot be uncovered. This happens mainly due to inefficiencies and problems thatoccur in the storage, sharing and exchange of real-time GeoInformation as a result of multi-source/multi-targetand multi-platform nature of the IoT architectures. Research Approach: Integration appears as a criticalparadigm which should be focused in order to store, manage and transfer of GeoInformation efficiently in thesecomplex environments. In this context, the focus of the study was to test the applicability of differenttechnologies and integration methods for acquisition, transmission and visualisation of multi-sourceGeoInformation through implementing an IoT Integration Testbed Architecture which is utilizing low-costhardware (to acquire information), graph databases(to store information) and standard IoT protocols (toexchange information). The implementation explained in this paper covers acquisition of real timeGeoInformation from a set of real and virtual sensors, storage of this GeoInformation in Graph Databases,exchange of information through two different communication models (request/response andpublish/subscribe) based on standard IoT protocols, and visualization of information by web pages, webmapping services and using a GIS software. Results: The implementation results demonstrated a proof-ofconcept on how multi-source GeoInformation acquired from different type of IoT nodes can be integrated,stored and visualised on different platforms by utilising a standard IoT communication paradigms and multiplecommunication models.