Information and knowledge can be defined as today's thermonuclear weapons. Knowledge is stronger and more valuable than the natural sources, huge factories or swollen bank accounts. Organizations perform by using three types of capital: Physical Capital, Financial Capital and Intellectual Capital. When we examine the successful firms, we see that they tend to use a stronger way of Intellectual Capital that is formed by Human Capital, Organizational Capital, and Customer Capital. Intellectual Capital is an organization's registered knowledge value and it functions as a composition of knowledge, skills, experience, and information that influence the present and future success of the business and establish its rank in comparison with the other firms. A complementary research study has been added to this study to examine the importance of the Intellectual Capital at the implementation level. This case study has been designed and fulfilled to measure the level of Intellectual Capital performance of the personnel of Turkish Airlines Ground Handling Unit. According to the findings of the study, senior executive personnel have perceived a lower degree of Intellectual Capital performance. To achieve a more efficient and effective organizational structure and management, personnel of the organizations should be trained and supported to increase their use of Intellectual Capital. © Funda Bahar Kaya, Gonca Guzel Sahin, Poyraz Gurson, 2010.