In this study, brand identity integrity of some of the consumer electronics companies are evaluated through Design Format Analysis (DFA) to understand if innovation characteristics and design fixation concept plays a role in brand identity integrity. Design fixation defines the tendency to be fixated to design solutions that are previously seen before starting a design process (Jansson & Smith, 1991). It may be hypothesized that, companies that have an original equipment manufacture (OEM) and original equipment manufacture (ODM) background along with an incremental innovation capability will take longer to develop a brand identity in an upcoming product concept. In their studies, Dell'Era and Verganti (2007) also found that companies that have a radical innovator character seem to have a more integrated brand identity when compared to incremental innovators. Also it is hinted in the literature that companies which have OEM and ODM background have difficulties about transition to build radical innovations (Hobday, 1998). In this study, brand identity integrity of companies that have an OEM and ODM background are evaluated along with the others that have radical innovation capabilities. The evaluation of brand identity integration is conducted through DFA. The DFA method is originally used for analyzing the brand identity characteristics of a company; however, in this study it is used in a more critical way to see how scattered are the product portfolios. As the result of the study, it may be claimed that the companies which could be affected by design fixation, may have less integrated brand identities.