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Browsing TR-Dizin İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu by Subject "Çevre Çalışmaları"
Now showing items 1-11 of 11
Environmental control in architecture by landscape design
(2018)The landscape design is a significant component of effective building design.Landscape elements can provide such benefits to buildings as shielding themfrom the sun, protecting them against wind, facilitating passive ... -
An evaluation on immaterialisation phenomenon in religious spaces of architecture
(2018)This study relates to the subject, but with a specific focus on the material andthe conceptual approach of monumental religious architecture to the use of material. Material is originally formless; in a constant quest to ... -
Experiencing city by walking: Communication elements
(2018)Istanbul, a city ruled by various civilisations and governments, is quite important both historically, geographically and rich in culture. Cultural activitiesand spaces within which these activities took place, influenced ... -
An investigation on the attitudes towards adopting the design by coding paradigm
(2017)The recent developments in the digital technologies have led to an increase in the parametric modelling efforts and the use of parametric patterns in design. In order to manage this new paradigm where the design is becoming ... -
Kamusal Alanda Oturma Eylemi ve Ergonomik İlkeler
(2007)İnsan çevresi ile bir bütündür. İnsanın çevresi ile yaptığı bu etkileşim, fiziksel olarak bir iş ortaya çıkarır. Gereksinimlerden kaynaklanan bu iş, bir ürünün ortaya çıkmasına neden olur. Bu bağlamda her tasarım ürünü, ... -
(2019)Kentlerde yapay ışıkların bilinçli ve tekniğine uygun kullanımı sadece görsel konfor ve güvenlik açısından değil aynızamanda kent kimliğinin vurgulanması, sürdürülebilir sağlıklı çevre oluşumu ve enerjinin etkin kullanımı ... -
Planning dilemmas in deindustrialization process in İstanbul
(Istanbul Teknik Universitesi, Faculty of Architecture, 2017)The last two Master Plans of Istanbul Metropolitan Area targeted to transform Istanbul into a primary city as a cultural and financial center in its region, and a competitive city at the global level. This planning objective ... -
Ramazan Erhan Güllü, TÜRKİYE’DE GAYRİMÜSLİMLERİN YÖNETİMİ, OSMANLI’DAN CUMHURİYET’E, Ötüken Neşriyat, İstanbul 2018, 1. Baskı, 495 s., ISBN 978-605-155-731-1
(Karadeniz İncelemeleri Dergisi, 2019)Ramazan Erhan Güllü, Türkiye'de Gayrimüslimlerin Yönetimi, Osmanlı’dan Cumhuriyet’e -
Scraping the layers: Tahsin Öz and his stylistic restorations in Topkapı Palace Museum
(2018)State-led heritage conservation was first experienced in Tanzimat Period inOttoman Empire. State continued being the major custodian of cultural heritagethroughout the 1950s. The general approach towards conservation of ... -
Use of public spaces in private space-led urbanization: The cases of Kadıköy and Ataşehir in İstanbul
(2017)Public spaces have been in interrogation in last decades. The focus of the dis-cussions is privatization of public spaces, regarding the way of urbanization. The approaches to the publicness of public spaces developed via ... -
Yaklaşık Sıfır Enerji Binalara Ulaşmada Akdeniz Ülkelerinde Karşılaşılan Engeller Çerçevesinde Türkiye’deki Durumun Değerlendirilmesi
(2019)Avrupa Komisyonu tarafından 2010 yılında yayımlanan Binalarda Enerji Performansı Direktifi ile (EPBD), optimum maliyetle ulaşılabilen en yüksek enerji performansı seviyesi ve yaklaşık sıfır enerji bina kavramları ortaya ...