Bergsonism, written by Gilles Deleuze, is one of the primary texts on French philosopher Henri Bergson. This article reconsiders reflections on Deleuzian sense of multiplicity in architectural design through the intuition as method described in the concepts of Bergsonism. Experimental research was conducted by the author of the present article in the 2014-2015 spring term at Faculty of Architectural and Design of Maltepe University in ARCH 202 Design Studio. The work led to the production of the new and subjective singularities in architectural design, independent of mediation of representation. In a pragmatic design approach, movement of drawing by hand with an intuitive flow/flux not related to narrative representation is discussed through incommensurable intensities. Although based on a meditative, imaginary, diagrammatic ground, intuition provides immediate data. Affirming ontological multiplicities, intuition/duration immediate data that produces the conditions of intuitivity. Dividable and quantifiable diagrammatic spatializations are articulated during the flux of that is emerging immeasurably as differences in nature and tendencies that are emerging as differences in kind. It is a design thinking without necessarily accepting concept as a beginning, and it accepts pure perception, articulations connected to singular characteristics occurring according to the conditions of the experience. This kind of design thinking resists labeling and identifying diagrammatic representations producing different tendencies, intensities and new beginnings by immediate intuition.