Complementing the existing literature in d-hypercyclicity, we characterize disjoint supercyclicity for a finite family of weighted shift operators. Using this characterization, we answer Question 2 in a recent paper by BSs, Martin and Peris in the negative by constructing examples of disjoint supercyclic weighted shifts whose direct sum operator is hypercyclic, but the same shifts operators fail to be disjoint hypercyclic. We also show the Disjoint Blow-Up/Collapse Property and the Strong Disjoint Blow-Up/Collapse Property for disjoint supercyclicity are equivalent when dealing with a finite family with two or more weighted shifts. However, those weighted shifts operators will never satisfy the Disjoint Supercyclicity Criterion. This provides a sharp distinction between disjoint supercyclicity and supercyclicity for a single operator. We provide a partial answer to disjoint supercyclic version of Question 3 in a recent paper by Salas by showing that we can always select an additional operator to add to an family of d-supercyclic weighted shift operators while maintaining the d-supercyclicity. We also show that, in general, this additional operator cannot be another weighted shift.